Thursday, March 19, 2009


I haven't decided how I feel about last night's episodes. I really liked some parts of it, but most left me sort of ... grey. I read somewhere that this seems like a transitional episode, and perhaps that's why it seemed like, even though a lot happened, none of it connected as emotionally as some of the earlier episodes.

  • Didn't Frank do a great job of landing the plane? How did the Others know that a runway would be needed? I am assuming that this was the very runway Kate and Sawyer helped build - at gunpoint.
  • Why didn't Sun flash with the others? I guess we'll find out, but I'd like to know now.
  • The reunion between Sawyer, Hurley, Jack, and Kate was very nice and touching.
  • Ethan! Why didn't I think of him! Of course Amy and Horace's son is Ethan. Far more logical a choice than Karl.
  • The term "recruit", as in "Dharma recruit" makes me nervous.
  • Poor Sayid. He must have felt like he was in bizarro world, with Sawyer in charge and Jin with good English.
  • I think that Sun is my new favorite character. Who knew she was so smart? And how refreshing to see Ben being manipulated.
  • How cool to see Pierre Chang, complaining about having to leave the lab, registering Jack.
  • How uncomfortable was Juliet and Kate's reunion? And how odd that Chang had Jack's name but Phil didn't have Kate's? (Thanks to Brian for noticing).
  • Radzinsky was the Paul Giamatti look alike in the Flame station building a model of the Swan station. The Swan station is where the numbers had to be inputted into the computer. Do you remember Kelvin Inman? Long story: Inman was the American soldier who taught Sayid how to torture. We also saw him in the Swan, with Desmond. Inman told Desmond about a man named Radzinsky, who served in the Swan with Inman and started the map on the door that Locke saw. One night, while Kelvin slept, Radzinsky shot himself dead. Inman had 108 minutes to bury him.
  • What's going on with the creation of the Swan, anyway?
  • Is Hurley going to try to save the Dharma Initiative from Ben's Purge?
  • What a nice picture of the Dharma class of 1977.
  • So, when Christian takes Sun on her journey, will Frank accompany her?
  • Keep an eye on Phil; he's going to be trouble.
  • Sayid and Ben's meeting was taut with meaning. I really hope we don't see Sayid trying to kill a young Ben. That would bother me for some reason.

Best lines of the night were all Hurley's (no surprise). "Um....what?" (Upon learning that they were all back in 1977). Later, seeing Sayid hauled out of the van: "I guess we found Sayid."

It was the penultimate confrontation of the episode that left the biggest impression on me. At first, I wanted to bang Jack and Sawyer's heads together, what with all that posturing. Did they need a measuring stick? They had an opportunity to compare notes, to learn what has been happening to them in the past three years. But no, instead, sword rattling.

But I thought about it. Remember Jack's interview with Pierre Chang? Based on Jack's aptitude test, he's suited for janitorial work. It reminded me of Roger Linus's reaction upon learning of his similar assignment. Two alcoholics, two demeaning work assignments. Did Sawyer arrange for the position with an intent to demean Jack? Later that night, he challenges Sawyer. Sawyer responded in kind, criticizing Jack's leadership skills and pointing out that Sawyer saved the day, for all of them. Did Sawyer go too far? Probably, but I can't say that Jack didn't deserve it. Some commentators thought that Jack was shamed, but I'm not so sure. I just think that he'll act on his own (or should I say "react"), without Sawyer. Good things will probably not happen from this.

I'm sure that I'll think of something to add later. I'm curious to hear what y'all think.


  1. I have a theory about why Sun didn't flash to the island. Ben didn't flash either. We know 9 year old Ben is already on the island in 1977. Perhaps Pierre Chang's baby is SUN, and a 0-3 year old Sun is already on the island (don't know when in '74-'77 the clip we saw showing the Chang baby was from). So, maybe you can't flash to the island if your child-self is already there? Do we know anything about Sun's age? Is it possible she was born in '74? Do we have any proof that her Korean parents were her biological parents? -- Nicole

  2. I must disagree with your theory, although I do find it interesting. First, in the episode Ji Yeon, we say Jin's "tombstone" in Korea. Both Jin and Sun's dates of birth were posted, with Sun's given as March 20, 1980. Therefore, she could not have been born between 1974 an 1977.

    We do know that you can flash to where your adult-self is, since Sawyer, Locke, and Juliet flashed (along with Miles, Charlotte, and Daniel) to the day that Claire gave birth. That doesn't mean that child-self could not be distinguished from adult-self, though where would the line be drawn?

    I figured Ben did not flash because, like Locke, who also didn't flash, Ben turned the donkey-wheel, and cannot return to the island. I can only speculate that Sun didn't flash because she has some work to do that will be vital to the success of the Oceanic 6's return. That is one manipulative island, after all.

    And I still like my theory that Miles is the baby we saw with Pierre Chang. But time will tell...

  3. I'm not sure if you mentioned this before, but when Sawyer was driving Hurley, Jack and kate back to the camp, when Hurley asked whether he had warned the Dharma folks about the massacre, Sawyer explained that he couldn't play "Nostrdamus", that Daniel had warned them about messing with the past. jack said, "is Faraday here?!" and Sawyer said, "not any more..." Where is he? What happened and when? Was it related to Charlotte? I need your theories!

  4. What was in the bushes when Sun and Frank got to the island (right before they met up with Christian?) So, so many questions!

  5. from my 11 year old son: Sun didn't flash because she's connected to the present through her daughter. If she flashes to the past, does her daughter cease to exist?

  6. OK I'm obviously pretty obsessed as well. The book that Ben gives Sayid to read is "A Separate Reality", from Wikipedia:

    A Separate Reality is an allegedly non-fictional book written by anthropologist/author Carlos Castaneda in 1971 concerning the events that took place during an apprenticeship he claimed to have served with a self-proclaimed Yaqui Indian Sorcerer, Don Juan Matus, between 1968 and 1971. The authenticity of the book, along with the rest of Castaneda's series, has been a topic of debate since they were published.

    In the book Castaneda continues his description of his apprenticeship under the tutelage of Don Juan, from which he had withdrawn in 1965. As in his previous book, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, Castaneda describes the experiences he has with Don Juan while under the influence of the psychotropic plants that Don Juan offered him, peyote (Lophophora williamsii) and a smokable mixture of what Castaneda believed to be, among other plants, dried mushroom of the genus Psilocybe. The main focus of the book centered around Don Juan's attempts at getting Carlos to See, a practice best described as, in Castaneda's own words, "perceiving energy directly as it flows through the universe".

    ...and, btw, "namaste" can be described as: "the light (or spirit or energy)within me honors the light within you,"

  7. Karen - I had no idea that you had posted here! To answer your questions - I am not sure why exactly Daniel is no longer with the Initiative. I suspect it has as much to do with harassing young Charlotte as his own time-traveling sickness. I think his exposure to time-travel has put him more at risk for the seeming insanity.

    I'm not sure what was behind Sun and Frank - was it the smoke monster? Was it Claire? Some people believe they saw a blonde woman standing behind Sun in the orientation room - either a production error or Claire. All I know is that the whole Sun & Frank trip to the island was scary.

    As for your son's theory as to why Sun didn't flash back with the other Oceanic 6ers, I like the thought. Granted, if Sayid successfully killed Ben, then it is possible that Oceanic 815 never crashed, so Jin never got he needed, and Ji Yeown could not have been concieved. I think my nose just started bleeding, thinking of all that.

    And thanks for the information about the book. I couldn't even see the title for some reason! I've never read this book. I think I may have to.


  8. Get ready, it's a freaky book, but you may just be the insane genius to figure it out (and the important thematic connection it has to our favorite show!)
