Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm Sending Out A Search Party

All I want to know is where are Rose, Bernard, and Vincent? Are they in the Dharma Initiative? Are they with the Hostiles/Others? How come no one cares?


  1. Is it perhaps over now for Rose and Bernard? As in they've been out of the loop too long, and they're not compelling enough to bring back? Their bickering was never as cute as, say, James Ford and Hugo Reyes.

  2. That's ALL you want to know??? C'mon... --Nicole

  3. Brian, Brian - you're killing me! I love Rose and Bernard. Their relationship and maturity add an extra depth to I don't think they've bitten the big one.

    And Nicole, you caught me. It really isn't ALL I want to know. There's far too much for one post.
