Well, last night we had company while I was trying to write my blog, and I realized that I forgot something extraordinarily important. So important, that I'm breaking my self-imposed rule of not blogging during the day.
Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Miles, and Daniel last flashed into 1974 - that's what Sawyer told Juliet when he was convincing her to stay. We know that all but Daniel remained with the Dharma Initiative in 1977 (I assume Daniel is still with them, but as I noted before, we didn't see him.).
I think they might have met Ben by now. If not, they will soon.
Not the adult Ben. He didn't flash with Jack, Kate, and Hurley. He is currently too injured at this point to even know that Locke has resurrected.

Using Lostpedia, I discovered that Ben was born in the early 1960s. It's a little frustrating that we don't know a specific year, but that will be sufficient for our current purposes. I don't remember if we were told in "The Man Behind the Curtain" how old Ben was when he landed on the island with his father. The actor who played him was Sterling Beaumon. According to the Internet Movie Database, Beaumon was born in 1995. The episode in question aired in 2007. Therefore, the actor was 12 when he played Ben. So, I think it is fair to say that Ben was approximately 12 too.
To me the early 1960s could be anywhere between 1960 - 1964. I think 1965 is just too close to "mid-1960s", but I could be reading too much into this. (I know, a shock). But, using my assumption and my tortured math skills (I am not a rocket scientist), let's take the latest year Ben could have been born, 1964, and add twelve, 1976.
If all these assumptions are correct, Ben is on the island already. If I'm off, or Lostpedia is off, even a little, then it is conceivable that Ben arrives on the island around the same time as three of the Oceanic 6.
If you ask me, the possibilities are rich. I can't wait.
I hope that one of the DVD box sets explains whether the writers planned this all along or developed it on the fly.