I asked this question after
The Little Prince aired, and I've had a few conversations about this topic. It occurs to me that since we're having a Lost-free week, that tonight might be the perfect time to express my own thoughts on this subject.
Before I discuss who the little prince is, I think I should first start with what I believe the little prince is. With a caveat that this is speculation and assumption on my part, the little prince is the future leader of the island, whether an Other, a member of the Dharma Initiative, or a Hostile. The little prince is the person that the island or
Christian Shephard or
Jacob has appointed as leader, perhaps because of their special qualities or talents.
Jughead, we learned from
Richard that there is a specific process for selecting the leader of the Others, which starts at a very young age. We know that
Locke was indeed tested by Richard, when Locke was approximately five and living in a foster home. Richard told Locke to select the items Locke already owned. When Locke selected a knife (along with a vial of powder and a compass), Richard became completely disgusted and left. That wasn't the end of it, however, since a "Dr. Alpert" tried to recruit a teenaged Locke to join the summer camp at Mittelos Laboratories. This time, Locke rejected Richard.
Now, without much ado, I will list all the potential candidates for this leader, or Little Prince, along with their current whereabouts (as of
LaFleur), the pros and cons of their being the leader, and then a final conclusion. Sadly, the little prince is all male, so no females will be listed. With that in mind, in alphabetical order:
Aaron Littleton -
Current: MIA. There is speculation that he is on his way to Australia with his grandmother or to Korea to be a playmate for Ji Yeon.
Pros: Aaron is the grandson of Christian Shephard, who appears to be some kind of mystical conduit of Jacob. Furthering the mystical association, Richard Malkin, the fake Australian psychic, turned a little less fake as he discovered that Claire "must raise this child."
Cons: Aaron is MIA. It is doubtful he is currently on the island, unless he was for whatever reason in coach on 316. Claire, who seemed to be associated with Christian and Jacob, told Kate to not return Aaron to the island. Neither Ben nor Locke made any effort to ensure that Aaron returned to the island.
Likelihood of Princedom: Highish.
Baby Austen-Shephard -
Current: Theoretical only. Bloggers speculate that Kate became pregnant the night before flight 316 as a replacement for Claire. Gender, obviously, unknown.
Pros: Conceived off-island, so is likely to live. Will also be the child of two prominent 815-ers.
Con: Barely conceived yet!
Likelihood of Princedom: Low.
Baby Goodspeed -
Current: Just born in the Dharma Initiative to Horace Goodspeed and Amy. We never learned the baby's name, but speculation is rife that we've met this baby as an adult.
Pro: Even though Dharma Initiative babies were typcially born off island, that Baby Goodspeed survived a birth on the island might be meaningful.
Con: There's really no reason to believe this baby is more important a character than say, Karl.
Likelihood of Princedom: Low to none.
Ben Linus -
Current: On the Hydra Island, injured and unconscious, presumably in 2008 or 2009.
Pros: Ben has been the leader of the Others, presumably for a long time. Not many know the island and its myriad secrets and subtleties better than he. Plus, he always has a plan.
Cons: Ben has apparently lost his leadership and connection to the island to Locke. He developed a tumor on his spine, despite the island's healing powers. No one trusts Ben, as Ben's goals are always cloudy. He doesn't mind following his desires (killing Keamy knowing it would mean the death of those on the freighter, killing Locke twice) at the expense of what is best for the island or his associates. Lastly, Ben claimed that anyone who moved the donkey wheel could not return to the island.
Likelihood of Princedom: Nil. Ben's been dethroned.
Bernard Nadler -
Current: MIA. Presumably he's in 1977 Dharma Initiative.
Pro: Bernard is more heroic than might be assumed, to Rose's dismay.
Con: He's not even a main character!
Likelihood of Princedom: Nil.
Charles Widmore -
Current: Presumably in his office in the UK, trying desparately to find the island and keep Penny safe.
Pros: Widmore has been on the island and apparently has acted as leader. He may have been on the island for a long time. Widmore has plenty of resources to help him get whatever he wants. He can also change the rules.
Cons: Like Ben, Widmore is willing to harm anyone to get what he wants. Also, like Ben, Widmore may have permanently lost his association with the island due to turning the donkey wheel. Plus, the producers call Widmore "the big bad". Surely the big bad can't be the leader?
Likelihood of Princedom: Nil.
Charlie Hume -
Current: Presumably with his parents, Desmond and Penny. Some theorize that he may be Charlie Pace - however, I don't buy it.
Pros: Charlie is a child of Desmond, to whom the rules do not apply. Further, he's the grandson of Widmore, who was once a leader of the island.
Con: Charlie is still a child.
Likelihood of Princedom: Low.
Daniel Faraday -
Current: MIA. Presumably he's in the Dharma Initiative, 1977-time.
Pros: Daniel has esoteric knowledge of the time travel qualities of the island. He took an active role in trying to rescue islanders on the zodiac and dealing with the nuclear bomb in 1954. Daniel is also the son of Eloise Hawking, who clearly has a mystical connection to the island.
Cons: Daniel's brain may be permanently affected by his time travel experiments, his own time travel, and Charlotte's death. Plus, the insane rarely make princes (at least, in fiction).
Likelihood of Princedom: Low to medium.
Desmond Hume -
Current: Presumably with his wife and child, Charlie. Possibly on his way to the island to kill Ben for killing or trying to kill Penny.
Pros: Desmond is extremely sensitive to the time qualities of the island. We know that the island is not done with Desmond yet. And, of course, the rules don't apply to Desmond.
Cons: Desmond wants nothing to do with the island. And, of course, the rules don't apply to Desmond. Does any of this make sense where
he is concerned?
Likelihood of Princedom: Medium.
Frank Lapidus -
Current: On a boat between the Hydra Island and the main island, presumably in 2008 or 2009.
Pro: Lapidus has been peripherally associated with the island 3 times.
Con: Frank's not a major player.
Likelihood of Princedom: Nil.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes -
Current: Has returned to the island and is now in 1977.
Pros: Everyone likes Hugo. He has always maintained his connection to the island, mainly through visitations by dead people. He was the first of the Oceanic 6 that recognized they needed to return to the island. Hurley has also seen Jacob.
Cons: Hurley requires too much assistance from others, including ghosts, to survive. Plus, jesters rarely become princes (I'm talking fiction here).
Likelihood of Princedom: Low to medium.
Jack Shephard -
Current: Has returned to the island in 1977.
Pros: Jack is the son of Christian Shephard, who is clearly a conduit for Jacob. He has demonstrated leadership skills in times of crisis. The tatooist, Achara, told Jack that she saw a leader who was unhappy. His tattoo - "He walks among us, but is not one of us" - could reference his princedom.
Cons: Jack sucks when he has no one or thing to save. He became addicted and has a limited belief or faith in the island. The Others noted that Jack was not on "Jacob's list." Lastly, the island did not heal Jack's appendix.
Likelihood of Princedom: Pretty high.
James "Sawyer" Ford -
Current: A Left Behinder who just reconnected with 3 of the Oceanic 6.
Pros: Sawyer may have evolved the most of all the 815ers. From a self-centered con-man, he's taken on a leadership role among the Left Behinders.
Cons: Sawyer has no clear vision with a history of selfishness and being a con man.
Likelihood of Princedom: Medium to low.
Jin-Soo Kwon -
Current: A Left Behinder who has just reconnected with 3 of the Oceanic 6.
Pros: Jin is loyal and a hard worker. Like Sawyer, he has changed a great deal on the island, becoming the husband that Sun deserved.
Con: We've seen no leadership from Jin - he's always a follower.
Likelihood of Princedom: Low.
John Locke -
Current: Resurrected on Hydra Island in approximately 2008 or 2009.
Pros: John has been identified by Ben, Jacob, Christian, Richard, and Widmore (at least) as special. He's only truly alive when he's on the island. Unlike Ben, he is truly interested in doing what is best for the island. He has been healed by the island numerous times. Locke believes it is his destiny to be on the island. He successfully confronted the smoke monster. He discovered the Hatch. John can hear Jacob.
Cons: John can be exceedingly indecisive, and has lost his faith in the island a few times. He picked the wrong item when tested by Richard, and rejected the offer of attending science camp at Mittelos Laboratory. He was extremely tyrannical when he took leadership of the Barracks. Like Jack, John wasn't on "Jacob's list" because he is "angry". One day, Ben's attempts to kill John might succeed. Lastly, like Ben and Widmore, John has turned the donkey wheel, which may prevent his ability to return to the island.
Likelihood of Princedom: High.
Miles Straume -
Current: A Left Behinder in 1977 Dharma Initiative.
Pros: Miles talks to dead people and animals. He has probably been on the island before (son of Marvin Candle, perhaps?).
Cons: Miles is out for himself with no moral center. On top of that, he's not a very likeable guy (no matter how much fun he is to watch).
Likelihood of Princedom: Low.
Richard Alpert -
Current: Labeled an "Other".
Pro: Richard has a long mystical association with the island.
Con: Apparently, Richard is always second in command, never first.
Likelihood of Princedom: Low.
Sayid Jarrah -
Current: Presumably on the island in 1977 time. Previews indicate that he will meet up with the Left Behinders in a less than friendly fashion.
Pros: Sayid is a warrior with a strong moral center. He is also loyal. Further, he's been injured and shot on the island so many times, the island has to have healed him.
Cons: Sayid continues to atone for his years as a torturer and assasin for Ben. He works more behind the scenes rather than leading others. He's easily manipulated. He also was not on Jacob's list because he is "weak and frightened." Plus, he becomes obsessed with women.
Likelihood of Princedom: Medium to low.
Vincent -
Current: MIA. Presumably in 1977 Dharma Initiative.
Pro: Vincent has worked for Christian before, including waking up Jack immediately after 815 crashed.
Con: He's a dog.
Likelihood of Princedom: Nil, but wouldn't it be hilarious?
Walt Lloyd -
Current: New York City with his grandmother.
Pros: Walt has a mystical association with the island. He may have control over the weather and can make birds commit suicide.
Cons: No one has made any effort to ensure that Walt returns to the island. Maybe he's sitting with Aaron in coach? The actor can't seem to act his way out of a paper bag.
Likelihood of Princedom: High to medium.
So, these are just some thoughts. Let me know what you think.