Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Place is Death

RIP Charlotte Staples Lewis. We hardly knew you. I have to admit that I was sad to see Charlotte go. I liked her, but I also felt that as a character she was woefully underused. But something tells me that we will be seeing her again…

So, here are some thoughts about last night’s episode.

- Isn’t Ji Yeon adorable? Sun actually looked a lot like the Sun we used to know while talking with her.
- Did Sun tell Ji Yeon she was bringing Aaron with her? Is she planning to kidnap him? Then, she left Aaron alone in the car!
- I was wrong – Sun was gunning (pun intended) for Ben, not Jack. Not that she really likes Jack either…
- Ben’s temper tantrum was priceless!
- So, is it a monster or a security system? Either way, it killed Nadine, and dragged Montand down a big, dark hole. His arm just popped out! Freaky, hunh? More on the “Temple” that he was dragged into below.
- What did y’all think of the showdown between Robert and Danielle? I truly thought that she was crazy and Robert really wasn’t “sick”. That is, until he tried to shoot her.
- What a happy reunion between Jin and Sawyer! Until Jin asked about Sun.
- Fun time – watching Sawyer try to explain time travel to Jin. Jin demands a translator. Everyone assumes that all Asians can speak the same language apparently, as Miles declares, “Um, he’s Korean; I’m from Encino.” No one, even Daniel, realized Charlotte could speak Korean. Her other languages: Klingon.
- Why was Charlotte reluctant to show off her Korean speaking skill, anyway?
- As time shifted more often, it caused them all pain. Daniel, Locke, and Jin seem to be the only ones not bleeding from their noses.
- Charlotte suffered the most, however. As her brain skipped through time, she warns Jin, first in Korean, “Don’t let them bring her back! This place is death!” She then tells Locke, et al, to look for the well.
- Charlotte reveals to Daniel that she had been born on the island and spent part of her girlhood there as a member of the Dharma Initiative. A crazy man had approached her, telling her to never return to the island or she’d die. “Daniel, I think that man was you!” Then, after requesting a chocolate bar, she dies.
- Locke promises to tell Sun that Jin had died. I think he means it.
- Christian Shepherd continues to guide Locke. I assume he’s still on Jacob’s dime, but he never said. He chastises Locke, “I said you have to move it, John.” After John protests that Ben wanted John to lead the Others, “Since when did listening to him get you anywhere worth a damn?”
- Ben seemed surprised when Desmond showed up to look for “Faraday’s mother.” Did he not know that Mrs. Hawking was Faraday’s mother?
- And didn’t that Mrs. Hawking look scary as hell?

Parting thoughts…

- Montand was dragged by the smoke monster into the Temple. The Temple is where Ben told the Others to go, and where he tried to send Alex, Danielle, and Karl. Despite losing an arm, Montand sounds amazingly calm for a guy who’s been dragged into the ground by smoke and just lost an arm when he calls for help. Danielle would have joined in the rescue effort had Jin not stopped her. I wonder, did the Temple make the Frenchmen sick? Would they have all survived had all, including Danielle, rescued Montand? And I noticed that we only saw two bodies before Danielle killed Robert, two bodies that each had both their arms. Where was Montand’s body?
- Why couldn’t Christian help Locke? Because he’s a ghost?
- Locke has said a number of times that Boone was a sacrifice for the island. Now it seems that Locke must be the sacrifice for the island too. I guess it’s a good thing that he’s now in the reincarnation van.
- Charlotte remembers Daniel from her past in the Dharma Initiative. We’ve already seen him there. In my opinion, it was Charlotte’s past but Daniel’s future. I don’t think he’s been there yet.

What did y’all think?


  1. I have to admit that I kind of like Ben when he's stateside. He's refreshed, and L.A. seems to soften some of his hard edges, which stands in contrast with the bitter Oceanic Six (not that I blame them.

    Free Hugo!

  2. Ben is not doing things by the book, which is going to keep causing trouble. He moved the island, when John was supposed to, which caused this shit-storm. Now, they are supposed to bring ALL of them back to the island, but Ben only rounds up 3. What havoc will that wreak?

  3. Oh, that was from Nicole, btw.

  4. I just saw a repeat of "The Lie" last night, where Ana Lucia told Hugo to avoid the police - do not get arrested. I'm still nervous about that.

    I think Ben did a lot that wasn't by the book. He moved the island (though Locke did tell Ben that "He wants me to move the island" not "He wants us to move the Island." - so may not be Ben's mistake). Part of what's wrong is that the Oceanic Six left the island, but Ben specifically gave Sayid and Kate permission to leave since they helped the Others rescue Ben from Keamy et al.

    I hope y'all know that I love your comments. They always make me think.
