Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Prince

Jin’s alive! Jin’s alive!

Okay, so I always figured he was. But I was afraid they would drag it out until next season (I don’t know why), so I figured he was floating around on the ocean, or perhaps on some beach unconscious, skipping through time with our Left Behinders, but unseen. However, the producers seem to be committed to making sure that they provide as many answers as they have questions, without dragging it out. And are they delivering!

Did anyone else feel like their brain might be bleeding while watching this show today? If so, just think of it as really bad jet lag.

So, some thoughts about the events of “The Lost Prince”:

- I was actually touched when Kate told Jack that she was always with him.
- Was anyone else nervous when Kate left Aaron with Sun? And Sun’s idea of childcare is candy and TV? Where is Ji Yeon anyway?
- I actually prefer my chocolates without a gun. Someone’s been spying on either Jack or Ben (or both). An aside, someone with way more patience than I have noted that the documentation talked about a woman, not a man.
- Locke’s going to bring back the Oceanic 6 “even if it kills me.” And do all leaders of the Others come equipped with the ability to manipulate people? He did such a good job working on Sawyer, Ben would have been proud.
- Jack’s been suspended from the hospital for substance abuse. The female doctor chewed him out, then left, allowing Jack to continue treating Sayid.
- Somehow, no one heard Sayid’s fight with Tranq Doc. And Sayid really knows how to work an IV line.
- I was almost in tears as Sawyer watched Kate deliver Aaron and care for Claire. Why didn’t he try to talk to them? Touch Kate?
- You can really tell Kate’s still hung up on Jack, as she watched the now beardless Jack come to rescue her. He even told her at one point, “Let me fix this.” Oh, Jack.
- Miles and Juliet are developing signs of the time sickness. Daniel theorizes that some are showing signs sooner because they’ve been on the island longer. We already know that Charlotte was born on the island (Ben knows her parents). As for Miles, this further strengthens my theory that he’s Marvin Candle/Pierre Chang’s son (see my comments on the premiere). Some people are theorizing that Juliet must be Annie, Ben’s friend from the Dharma Initiative, but I don’t buy it.
- Who’s shooting at the Left Behinders? Some internet theorists think it is either the Left Behinders in another time or the Oceanic Six.
- I was really glad that the boat didn’t disappear when time skipped. That would have been inconvenient.
- I was totally thrown off by Claire’s mother – I just knew she was Norton’s client. Which, I guess, she is. Just not in the case to remove Aaron from Kate. No real surprise that it’s Ben.
- The van that Ben and Sayid are in (with Locke’s coffin in tow) bears the name ''Rainier-Canton''. Far better minds than mine realized that it is an anagram for “Reincarnation”. Talking about Locke, perhaps?
- The Left Behinders found an Ajira Airways water around the canoe-type boats. Ajira is Hindi for Island (according to some internet theorist – do I look like I know Hindi?). Apparently, we’ll see them again.
- And how cool to see Rousseau! A pregnant, in-love, hospitable Rousseau. If only that could last.
- Jin’s alive! Jin’s alive!

Favorite Lines of the Night:

Sawyer: [As the bright light indicates a time change] Thank you, Lord! [They emerge right into a dangerous storm] I take that back!

Ben to Jack and Kate: No, Jack, she’s right. It was me…Sorry.

Several things struck me this episode:

- Sawyer and Locke have very different perspectives about their pasts and what is happening to them. Locke was preternaturally calm and philosophical. He needed the pain he experienced in the past to get to this point. And he seems to like where he is. Sawyer on the other hand is fatalistic – telling Locke that what he saw in the jungle “don’t matter. It’s gone now.” When Juliet asked Sawyer why he didn’t touch or talk to Kate: “What’s done is done.”

- I had forgotten that Kate delivered Aaron. How appropriate! Both Kate and Claire have been with Aaron since birth. Kate even told Claire that “This baby is all of us.” They’re both his mother.

Next week, it appears that Sun confronts someone with a gun. It looks like she really is confronting Ben, blaming him for Jin’s “death”. I thought she might blame Jack, since he made the helicopter take off before Jin emerged from the bowels of the freighter. But everyone else seems to think her object is Ben. Time will tell.

My last question for the night – just who is the little prince? Aaron? Or Locke? Discuss below.


  1. I think I did some time travelling during that episode; I swear it was only 12 minutes long.

    Sawyer didn't try to talk to or touch Kate because he can't. Faraday explained that you can't mess with the stuff that already happened, and future-Sawyer talking to past Kate would fit that bill. Fate wouldn't have let Sawyer do it even if he'd tried, which is probably why he found himself frozen and incapable of doing anything but watching.

    Faraday also explained last week or the week before that stuff in their immediate proximity doesn't disappear in time jumps... explains why the boat and, thankfully, (or unthankfully in Sawyer's case) their clothes don't disappear in time jumps.

    I will never be that person that picks up on anagrams. Whoa. I think we all already knew that Locke isn't really dead. Not island dead, anyway.


  2. I figured the clothes were hopping with them because they were wearing them. I guess I thought that the item had to be with them during the initial jump. Clearly, I'm wrong.

    As for Sawyer, I didn't think it was Daniel's warning so much as his own fatalism that prevented him from touching Kate. I think that time (ouch - that word again) will tell.

    Hope your nose didn't bleed. I don't want your brain to turn to mush.

  3. Sorry - I wasn't clear... I wasn't saying the Sawyer was heeding Daniel's warning... I don't think Sawyer has it in him to heed a warning. I was just saying that Daniel explained to us that fate wouldn't allow them to change the past, so I think it was fate not allowing Sawyer to change the past by talking to Kate. --N

  4. That would be an interesting situation. Sawyer was stuck. We certainly agree that Sawyer doesn't pay attention to warnings!
