Thursday, February 19, 2009

Initial Thoughts on 316

So, I've a spare moment, so want to list out from this episode what I hope the remainder of the season will share with us:

  • What in the world led to Kate's surrender of Aaron? Clearly, she was devastated, and she actually looked like death. Did Sun do or say something that forced Kate's hand? Is Aaron on his way to become Ji Yeon's playmate? Or is he on his way to Australia with his grandmother? What, if anything, does Ghost Claire have to do with this? (Remember, she told Kate last season "Don't you dare take him back to the island"?)
  • How in the world did Sayid get arrested? Is he being extradited to Guam? Who's the officer? Like Kate, he didn't look very healthy...
  • What happened after Hurley's release that led him onto the flight? And how awesome that he bought all those tickets to prevent unintentional deaths. Ben showed his nastiness again, not caring what happened to the innocent passengers.
  • What happened to Ben? I am seriously hoping that Penny is alive (a reviewer noted that Ben was at the dock where Desmond and Penny's boat was docked. I don't know how they knew that, though) and Desmond beat the crap out of Ben. I hope to see that fight too.
  • Who's that guy that told Jack how sorry he was about his friend's death? He looks suspicious to me.
  • How cool to see Frank Lapidus! I should have anticipated his presence, but just didn't think of it. I had forgotten, but was reminded, he was supposed to pilot Oceanic 816. I also loved his comment, "We aren't going to Guam, are we?" Well, probably not...
  • How in the world did Jin become a member of the Dharma Initiative? Clearly, the 316-ers found themselves in Dharma Initiative time (which makes my nose bleed to think about, so I won't, not yet at least). How long has Jin been there that he's become a part of them? Why wasn't he considered a "Hostile"? Are Juliet, Sawyer, Daniel, and Miles there too? Is this when Daniel accidentally run into Marvin Candle (see premiere)? Will Miles run into his baby-self?
  • An exploration of Hawking's relationships with Ben and Widmore are in order.
  • Where were Sun, Sayid, Suspicious-Looking Man, and Sayid's Captor?

It didn't occur to my mother until today (Thursday) that Sawyer didn't pop up once. I fear that he may not pop up next week either. That would be sad - we've not had nearly enough of the Left Behinders, in my opinion. That said, I'm looking forward to seeing "Jeremy Bentham" next week. And what made him leave such a message to Jack? I hope that time will tell...

I don't know that I'll have more thoughts about this episode, but if I do, I'll post them. I feel like we saw the "white bread" version of their return to the island. Jack seems to be keeping himself deliberately blinded to the cost this return is having on all his fellow 316-ers, including Ben.

What did y'all think about the episode?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the reason only Jack, Hurley, and Kate are currently together is because, as Mrs. Hawking's warned, the results could be "unpredictable" -- unpredicatable because they weren't all there. Aaron wasn't there. I think that Sawyer, Faraday, etc. must all be there with Jin. It does seem like now that they are reunited that they time jump together. But who knows what changed after Locke left the island to go die. --Nicole
