Friday, January 16, 2009

The Start of It All

Can you believe that I've not watched Lost from the very beginning? I had classes at night, so, of all the new shows starting that year, I decided to watch Desperate Housewives instead - after all, it aired on Sundays. Normally, I'm on top of the new TV season. I acquire the Fall Preview issues of TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly, read them cover to cover, and pick the new shows I'm going to watch. But that year, what with school, and a return from a summer abroad, I was clueless, and Lost never entered my mind. I had seen some funky posters on my way to the bus. As I recall, they were a series of three and in black and white (that part I'm not going to swear to). One of the Lost was the Party of Five guy. Another was a hobbit. The third was a hot chick, notable only for not being blond.

Well, I didn't make the full season of Desperate Housewives. It is an extremely well done series, and I believe it is worthy of its status as a hit, must-see show. It is just not a hit, must-see show with me.

One night, I was home from school. Maybe there was no class that night. I wasn't in the habit of skipping class, but whatever, I was home that night. Anyway. I decided to watch TV. And Lost was on. It was White Rabbit. I was so confused. Jack's hallucinating about his father and everyone's thirsty and the coffin is empty...But I was intrigued. I didn't know who was whom for the most part. I recognized the hobbit, of course, and Terry O'Quinn, because he's been in just about everything.

So I caught Lost when I could. It was slowly beginning to click. But I fell for Lost when I saw the repeat of Walkabout. The first episode of Lost focuses on Locke, telling about his mind-numbing office job with a hateful boss. On the island, he's hunting boar, but off the island he was paraplegic. It was a shock, it was unpredictable, and it was totally right. I was hooked.

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