Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The End Begins

It is with mixed feelings that I await tonight's episode of Lost. I am delighted that the season starts tonight and am on the edge of my seat, curious as to what happened after Jughead exploded. But I'm also sad, because I know that this is the final season, and that for better or for worse, there will be no more Lost after the season ends. When the various Star Treks ended and Buffy and Angel ended, there was a hole in my life. These characters have become real to me. If I even see a picture of one of these characters - Buffy, Spock, Sun, my heart jumps. They are old friends. And my Lost friends are about to, well, get lost.

But I'm going to try to spend the next couple of months enjoying each episode, analyzing them, and pondering what is the meaning of it all. I know that not all questions will be answered. I know that the only character guaranteed survival at the very end is Vincent. And I know that I'm not going to like everything the producers do. But I also know that whatever they do, it will be thrilling and thought-provoking.

And I'm really looking forward to the conversations we have on this blog and in person. It's going to be awesome!


  1. AHHHHHH --- nosebleeds already! I think that the stress of this season is going to verge on intolerable.

  2. Well, stress is good for us. Right?
