Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Stand Corrected

Some of you may have heard that I have good reason to believe that Jorge Garcia, Hurley on Lost, left a comment on a recent post. I have my reasons for actually believing this, which, if you’re curious, let me know and I’ll fill you in.

Among other things, his comment made me realize my dependence on an unreliable source. I strive for accuracy in everything I do and everything I say. When I theorize, I research faithfully the facts behind my theories. When I ponder on a character, I want to understand their past as shown in previous episodes. And I’ve been using Lostpedia to help. Well, using, I think, is an understatement. I rely on it totally. Whether I’m looking at their transcripts to review and/or steal dialogue, character biographies, or pictures from the episodes, I find Lostpedia to be, well, encyclopedic in its breadth and depth of knowledge about Lost. But I stopped using Lostpedia as a tool and started relying on it solely. I forgot something very important about Lostpedia. Like Wikipedia, Lostpedia is created, written, and edited by people like me. Like you. Like the person in the office or cubicle next to you. Or in the seat next to you in the coffee shop. Etc. In other words, I forgot that, while most of what I find on Lostpedia is accurate, not all of it is, and I should always look at the information I find there with skepticism.

So I thank Mr. Garcia, not just for noticing my blog, but for taking the time to correct an error in my post. Because I never want disseminate wrong information. I hope it is clear that I love to hear when you disagree with me on a theory or character motivation. But because I’m committed to never adding to misinformation, I also hope you tell me when I’m wrong. That includes grammar and spelling. As much as I love to write this blog, I also love to hear from you.

My error, by the way? I read on Lostpedia that Mr. Garcia, among other Lost actors, read the lines of Sawyer when auditioning. I found two theories about this on Lostpedia: one, that those were the only lines available, and two, that the actors were actually auditioning for the role of Sawyer. Mr. Garcia let me know that he never auditioned for Sawyer. I guess I'm just gonna have to sign up to edit Lostpedia posts to right that wrong.


  1. This was probably the greatest way to be told you are wrong. Maybe if you write about those freckles being only makeup you can elicit another famous response?

    (side note about blog sourcing: by writing one you become a source for others to quote. It's tough to get through the circular logic of the blogosphere)

  2. TQ, you make some excellent points. However, your last comment made my nose bleed.
